A grease trap, or Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) interceptor, is a plumbing feature designed to capture absolutely everything that goes through the drain, including water, grease, and other solid and liquid matter from entering a septic system. If grease enters the sewers, it will congeal, forming a solid mass. These solid masses cause backups, clogs and burst pipes. Grease traps are used by businesses, schools, hotels, hospitals and other large institutions that use commercial sized kitchens where a lot of FOG’s are generated. To prevent the FOG’s from going down the drain in these facilities, a grease trap is installed. If these contaminants are not kept in check, they can cause severe problems to your plumbing and sanitation system. All commercial kitchens are, by law, expected to have grease traps installed to collect the FOG’s before they enter the sanitary system.
Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG’s) are difficult to break down and are a major disruptor to the effective biological breaking down of effluent in any Waste Water Treatment Systems. Correctly sized and designed Traps (domestic and industrial) must be installed in order to capture the FOG’s before entering any treatment system.
Establishments that are not linked to main line services should ensure these Traps/Interceptors are in place in order to protect their waste water treatment systems.
Authorities can impose costly fines should effluent being released into main line services do not meet with the legislated standard.
As per the National building regulations, Municipal by-laws, (SABS 0400-1990-pp23.3) “A suitable grease trap shall be provided to take the discharge of waste water from any sink or other fixture”